Sunday, December 29, 2024
Kenny Smith , My first true person as a native to my hometown Glassboro . I really look back at many times of people we have encounter as young people growing ina world full of choices. I remember playing 85 pounds football for glassboro bulldogs. and you were my running back coach. Attending Glassboro state college. I remember always trying to win the race from pole to pole . always coming in the top five. But, could not never win that race. Then, 110 lb came around. i got fast and even better, with my teammate. still, trying to win that, race at the end of practice. I even got in the top three. While, We did winthe champion for the first time. beating Pennsville 8-0. How , can people forget moments like that day. While , I realizes , Our brain, Can only storage and bring back to your remember when, It's not lost. I was thinking about last time .we talk you were fixing cars. I just wish to say thanks for the moments we had. Champions 110. You did the things . i will never forget.
Bruce Davis signing off.
I still think about that race after practice.