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Raul Cortes Jr. posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
My condolences to the elder that I remember from Love Temple on Vine St.
The man was always nice to me, & encouraged my writing.
'The Creator Can See It All'
© Raul Cortes Jr. /// Wednesday, August 14th, 2024 [9:39 AM]
A couple mornings ago, I noticed that there were a few guys sitting about 30 feet away from me, where I was lying down in the middle of the night. As soon as I wrote, "Is this a murder attempt?", they walked away.
When I was at hudson yards last week, the same thing happened.
Several individuals in my life are using clandestine devices to See-Through-My-Eyes.
Not only that, within wifi range, what I write can also be seen.
When I was at the train station last night, near the tracks lying down & trying to get some sleep, officers came to boot me out of there. However, somebody within the program requested that the officers disturb my sleep. I wonder who it was? Was it a Henderson? Henderson is the last name of the same person who ordered a dump truck to run me over after the pedestrian light turned green, & the dump truck parallel to me, turned into the crosswalk I was walking through.
From what I understand, most likely, Henderson is guilty of multiple hit-and-runs.
Henderson is a christian "pentecostal gospel preacher" who allegedly believes in the bible.
The bible says that if you hate on your brother, you are already a murderer.
The same preacher that re-introduced me to Christ, (for genuine salvation for the 1st time), is the same preacher who is guilty of multiple murder attempts, conspiracy to murder, & an accomplice to murder.
If you do not know me personally, or have not known me personally in previous years, then please, consider that what you have been told about me, WERE FLAT OUT LIES.
I am worth 18 million dollars in damages, believe people will sell their souls & lie about anything for that kind of money, especially if they can't get the targeted person on the watchlist to sell out.
This preacher has said over & over again, that he knows Christ all too well to receive real criticism & that the holyghost works through him. According to the bible, the main source of the holyghost, is love (agape). The bible also says that murderers will not inherit the kingdom of God.
This preacher fears the laws of this physical world, much more than the laws of the universe/God. There is a special place in hell, for people like him. Daniel & Sha'Ron Henderson, (relatives of Angela Gibson?), & many others are contractually obliged to harass & inconvenience my life, & if they don't make a concerted effort to do it every day, then can go to jail. They are, within the timeframe of the program, fighting for their freedom by harassing me, until the program is over. After the program is over, they have to PAY UP ALL THE FINES FROM THE CRIMES THAT THEY COMMITTED FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES.
Henderson is several million dollars IN DEBT from damages, & so is my biological mother, my stepfather, & my ex-landlord Dorothy. If the Hendersons stand a chance in being in the good graces of God, they should turn themselves in now, & rethink their salvation behind bars.
Yesterday, while at the library on the computer, I noticed that certain online links to OPERATION PROJECT MONARCH are censored, as PORN. Yet, when I type in a porn video, the porn can be clearly seen without any censoring, & not to mention, my online activities are always illegally monitored by stalkers/agitators who have influence over library staff & security.
Consider....nobody has told me anything, I figured this all out....on my own, through research & intuitive nudges.
I hope that today, while I am here at the library, that I don't get knocked off my time unfairly, whether the librarian cuts my time or a stalking-patron logs on for a few minutes to take up space & force me to log out. (9:29am Once again I have identified a reoccuring stalker about to sit next to me on my right hand, she is a perverted stranger assigned by one of the stalking-ring leaders).
Now here's a question. What does Neighborhood Watch/Community Policing, Human Trafficking & Project Monarch have in common? Blood Sacrifice.
There are varying levels & dimensions to what is secretly known as blood sacrifices, & from my experience, it can start during your childhood years.
I experienced an INVASIVE PROCEDURE when I was a little boy, having to do with my hernia.
My hernia did not need to be surgically removed.
Certain satanic philosophies consist of blood sacrifices, spellwork, witchcraft, sexual perversions & other kinds of abuses.
While double agents were involved working on my behalf (& still - mostly from UK/London & Canada & maybe a select few from Trenton New Jersey), everything that I was accused of within the watchlist is a reflection of some of the people who are responsible for putting me on there, & convincing 1,000's of people.
One of Henderson's affiliates from church just walked past me at the library (& she is related to the female stalker who shows up at Saint Francis Homeless Breadline on 31st Street, near the train station that I got booted from last night). (9:20am/Wednesday/August 14th/2024). If any of them are reading this, I think it's best to leave me alone & reconsider their christian faith, because I know they are church-going christians who are supposed to believe in the royal law: Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself.
Remember, nobody told me anything, "if" anything here is accurate, I figured it out on my own.
Last night, I was attacked by the digital sex infusion near 40th street & 2nd avenue. I wonder when people will surrender to authorities & come to their senses if they know that getting rid of me, is not in anybody's interest, based on awareness & truth.
Esther Ward posted a condolence
Sunday, May 5, 2024
Giving God your heart, is a very good start.
Now you are free of sin, and new life begins
Biblical advice will help you gain knowledge of Christ
In God's name as you stand, He'll lead and guide you with His hand.
Sharing the Gospel's Good News, is a winner that can't lose.
At the setting of the sun, being unable to work as life's closure comes.
God's promise to prepare a place for you can now be filled. What a glorious day to hear our Savior say, "Enter into the joy of the Lord and receive your just and everlasting reward."
Loving submitted, Your Sister, Esther P. Ward.
The family of Harvey James Gibson, Sr. uploaded a photo
Friday, April 26, 2024

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